As a parent, almost nothing would make you happier than to see your kid grow up to become a responsible adult with a good job and a reputable name. Unfortunately, the chances of that happening can significantly decrease from one mistake they did before they turn 18.
In Delaware, your kid can face imprisonment if they commit a serious crime and serve weeks or months in juvenile detention. Once the sentence is complete, it will not be easy for your child to adjust to normal life again. There can be long term consequences from incarceration that can negatively impact your child’s future.
Employment and education get more difficult
When your kid receives their conviction, it goes on their permanent record. Any potential employers and colleges that they were thinking of applying to are now going to need a stronger argument for why they should consider your child. There are many colleges that check if applicants have a criminal record, and the severity of the crime could convince them that your kid is not eligible to attend. While it is not impossible to receive acceptance from a college, receiving financial aid from one can also be difficult.
The Justice Policy Institute, a nonprofit organization that centers on promoting well-being and justice, states that areas that rely more on incarceration for juvenile punishment tend to reduce employment opportunities in their communities. Their reported studies show that incarcerated youth reduced work time between 25 to 30 percent in the next decade and have less stable employees.
Your kid might not be the same
Your child will have a hard time going back to school after the sentence. Because your child missed out on a lot of classes during their time and still might be suffering from the negative psychological effects of the facility, they may not finish high school. Studies show that about 39 percent of imprisoned students are less likely to graduate from high school and 41 percent are more likely to be in prison by their mid-20s. If your kid drops out of school, then even less opportunities for employment or college are available.
Juvenile detention and a criminal record can potentially ruin your child’s future, so it is important to speak with a lawyer to see how these charges can be potentially minimized. If your child does receive a criminal record, it is important to expunge it before they apply to jobs or colleges. The process is more difficult in Delaware than in other states, so you should seek legal assistance to protect your child’s future from their past.